letting go

Letting go of the things that no longer align with our true self is undoubtedly a challenging task. We often become attached to what we know, even if it no longer serves us or brings us happiness. Yet, the act of releasing these stagnant aspects of our lives is essential for our personal growth and healing. By holding onto what is no longer aligned, we limit ourselves from exploring new possibilities and experiences that could nourish our souls.

Letting go allows us to create space for new opportunities, relationships, and experiences that resonate with our authentic selves. It is through this process that we can embark on a genuine journey of healing, as we reconnect with our inner essence and find the strength to pursue a life that truly aligns with our values, passions, and purpose. The act of letting go is not just about giving up or surrendering; it is an act of empowerment and self-care. It requires courage and a willingness to confront our fears, insecurities, and attachments head-on.

By letting go, we open ourselves up to the unknown, to the possibilities that lie beyond our comfort zone. It is in this unknown territory that we can discover our true potential and find true fulfillment. Letting go is an ongoing process, as we are constantly evolving and growing. It is a continuous practice of self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-compassion.

As we let go, we create space for new beginnings and fresh energy to flow into our lives. We release ourselves from the burdens of the past and embrace the present moment with open arms. Letting go is a transformative process that allows us to heal, to grow, and to become the best version of ourselves. So, let’s have the courage to let go of what no longer aligns, and trust in the journey that lies ahead.

marisela rosales

Marisela is a first gen xicana, holistic therapist and coach, healer, reiki master, writer, and storyteller. she shares her heart-centered thoughts and stories in hopes to inspire reflection, connection, and healing in others.


the energetics of healing


Healing prepares you to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.