Healing prepares you to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Healing is not intended to make you immune to feeling or immune to the realities that life might bring your way. Healing prepares you to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Sometimes I hear things like I want to heal so I don’t have to feel _____ anymore or so I don’t ever have to worry, feel sad…. There is this idea that when you heal you develop armor that will protect you from every feeling hurt again. To be honest, a part of me wishes that could be true. But the reality is that if we armor up we armor against everything. Joy, pleasure, happiness,… all the good stuff gets dimmed too. Not my idea of healing.

Through healing work you heal old emotional wounds, the stuff that was left unattended for years and continues to create both pain and challenges in the present. You heal these so that you can more easily tend to the ups and downs and pain you may experience now. You become untangled from the past so you can be more connected to the present. Feeling, beautiful souls, is still a requirement.

What I have learned is that healing, deep deep true healing, prepares you, teaches you, how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. How to feel, really feel, and be able to stay with yourself rather than numb out, space out, check out. Healing builds your capacity to experience the ups and downs of life and still be here. To still be you. But a different you.

A you who is in her body. A you can experience a depth and range of emotions. A you who can emote without completely losing herself, her footing, her senses.

So heal not to avoiding ever feeling, but to feel more deeply. This is the path to a life that is full of aliveness.

Let the healing begin!

marisela rosales

Marisela is a first gen xicana, holistic therapist and coach, healer, reiki master, writer, and storyteller. she shares her heart-centered thoughts and stories in hopes to inspire reflection, connection, and healing in others.


letting go


dancing with self-doubt