1:1 coaching for women who are ready to trust their inner voice, reclaim their authentic self, and live an aligned life.

EMBODIED Mentorship

EMBODIED Mentorship is more than a coaching offeringit’s an invitation to come home to yourself. Here, you’ll shed the need to fit into someone else’s mold and instead reconnect with your truth, align with your body’s wisdom, and step into a life that feels easeful, purposeful, and uniquely yours.

And we do all this by helping you feel good in your body and at ease in your mind.

Who is Embodied Mentorship for?

Embodied Mentorship is for the woman who’s ready to embody her most authentic, powerful, and creative self.

  • Ready to break cycles of self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or perfectionism and longs to feel truly grounded, connected, and confident in her path.

  • Done with overthinking and ready to trust herself fully.

  • Wants to (re)connect with her body, bring harmony to her nervous system, and finally feel at ease.

  • Seeking clarity in her desires so she can take courageous steps forward.

  • Wanting to transform stuck patterns so she can take consistent, aligned action.

This is the coaching program you didn’t know you needed.

Here, mindset meets embodied transformation, offering a space to explore your truest self and step forward with clarity and confidence.

The Details

Embodied Mentorship draws from body-centered therapy, nervous system healing, somatic coaching, and energy healing practices to guide clients through deep insight to achieve their goals, realize their life vision, transform stuck patterns and habits, and deepen connection to themselves and others. The results and impact apply to all aspects of life, both professional and personal. The way you lead, the way you run your business, the way you parent, the way you relate to others, and most importantly the way you relate to yourself, will shift in ways that mindset work alone can not touch.

What you can expect

  • A slow and soft approach. This isn’t another way to push through. You’ll learn to slow down soften into yourself so you can heal faster and better.

  • Wholeness as our baseline. There is no diagnosing or pathologizing, only acceptance that you are already whole as you are.

  • We go at the pace of your nervous system and we honor that pace in all we do.

  • The body as our guide. Instead of prescribed coaching strategies we connect with the body as a vessel of ancestral memory, intuitive guidance, and utmost alignment.

  • A unique flow. No two sessions are alike but you can expect a unique flow that draws from guided discussion, inner-child work, embodied arts, mindfulness, movement, meditation, energy healing and breathwork.

  • Integration support. Transformation takes patience, persistence, and lots of practice this is why we’ll create a daily practice protocol that is unique to you so that you can embody the change you are wanting to see.

  • An embodied plan that works for you.


  • 3 Months of coaching + mentorship

  • 6 Biweekly, 1:1 Virtual Sessions (60 mins each)

  • Telegram Support: Monday-Friday voice and text coaching for real-time guidance and reflection.

  • Personalized Daily Practice Protocol: practical tools to help you transform old patterns and mobilize stuck energy.

  • Intake questionnaire and intention setting: An opportunity for you to get clear on where you are feeling stuck and stagnant and what you envision you want to transform and become.


I’m trying something new here- it’s my desire and vision that all people will have equitable access to the resources that support their mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. My way of creating a small ripple of change is to offer my healing services on a sliding scale and trusting that people will choose the option that best fits their situation and that those who are financially abundant will contribute by paying more so that I can continue to offer my services to those who need community support. This is one way that I can engage with collective healing in a way that feels attainable and sustainable. I cannot do it without you, my dear community. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


For those with more than enough financial resources and a desire to support access for others to help rebalance systemic inequity.


For those with sufficient financial resources and who can pay fair value for the experience.


For those with currently limited financial resources who will benefit from access supplemented by the community.

Moon in blue sky with clouds and silhouetted palm fronds.

Curious About Mentorship?

Start with a Single Soma Session

The 1:1 Single Soma Session is the perfect starting point for the woman who’s ready to explore how Embodied Mentorship can help her bring her goals to life with clarity and confidence. In this focused session, we’ll work deeply in one area, connecting you to your body’s wisdom and intuition to develop an aligned, actionable plan that integrates mind, body, and spirit.

The Soma Session includes:

  • One 90-minute Zoom session

  • 1-2 somatic practices personalized for your unique challenge and nervous system state

  • A clear, actionable plan for your next steps

Woman in a white dress standing barefoot on a path surrounded by dense green bushes and hills.

Meet your guide

I’m Marisela

I’m a certified Mind-Body Coach, trauma informed somatic practitioner, and licensed psychotherapist and know first hand how integrating mind and body can give you transformational results.

As a daughter of immigrant parents, I understand the weight of perfectionism and the deep yearning for belonging. Like you, my anxiety, self-doubt, and perfectionism kept me from trusting my own path. It wasn’t until I began to (re)connect to my roots and began my journey with somatic healing that I learned how to quiet the inner chaos, listen to my body, and trust in myself with confidence.

Now I get to share that with women like you.

What client’s are saying..

  • When I first met with Marisela, I was at my lowest point—stuck in a career that drained me, afraid to truly step into my purpose. But with her deep guidance and unwavering support, everything shifted.

    Through our work together, I began to undo the trauma stored in my body and spirit. I reconnected with me. I moved out of fear, out of paralysis, and into trust.

    By the end of our first month, I believed in myself again. By the end of three months, I had completely jumped timelines—I resigned from the job that wasn’t in alignment and began pursuing my passion full-time.

    This journey was nothing short of transformational, and I will forever be grateful for the vibrational shift Marisela helped me embody.

  • Beyond grateful for Marisela's loving guidance to support me in accessing my body's wisdom. I was so surprised at how many valuable messages I received from my body in my first session, And how much stagnation I was able to move through. 

    Profundamente agradecida. ~Ale

  • Thank your ancestors & maestras for the medicine you share. You created a soft and safe place to do the work that I have never experienced before. Everything you did created safety. -birth worker

  • This somatic coaching program was a revelation. It taught me to listen to the messages my body has been sending me all along. By connecting with my inner child, I began to heal old wounds and rediscover the joy that had been buried beneath them. Now, I trust my intuition more than ever, and it's leading me down a path filled with a deep sense of purpose and joy. - Carolina

  • Marisela’s guided coaching experience allowed me to recognize that my body has always been my most wise and trusted companion and all that it ever wanted was for me to honor my slow-moving heart. Each guided session with Marisela brought awareness, connection, and appreciation to being able to hear my intuition. She challenged my constant need of wanting to cancel out my feelings and emotions, and instead she guided me to hold a pause, recognize, and observe what was coming up without shame. - Maria

  • Marisela’s coaching program is pure curandera magic. This was the first time I experienced coaching in a gentle, assertive & free manner. Marisela put all of herself into the sessions and thus gave permission for all of me to show up unapologetically. I learned to embrace the scars and pieces as part of my experience and journey. I am more in tune with what I need and have the tools to access this self knowing. I really know what “listen to your body” really means now and couldn’t have known it truly had I not been a part of this journey. -Lorena