a journey back to self

healing is your journey home back to yourself

healing being the process of untangling and digging deep to get to know yourself over and over again as you tend to the tender spots left behind by experience, trauma, people, places, and most of all the stories that have been created and played on repeat in our heads and hearts.

these life experiences can lead to disconnection not only from others but from yourself as well. a life of disconnection will make it difficult to be in harmony and alignment with your souls path. ultimately, healing is not only about tending to those tender spots but it’s about discovering who you are.

and so in healing the work is to go inwards and begin the process of peeling those layers we created in order to survive, to have a sense of belonging, to get through. often we will have to dig deep, pulling up bones, and locating those deep buried roots.

this journey is also one of self- discovery. in the process of digging and letting go, we will begin to see the layers of us that have been hidden, out of awareness, out of the light. you will come face to face with your own shadows as well as those luminous parts of you that haven’t been allowed to shine bright. and somewhere underneath it all, there will be a day when you find that you can see yourself completely.

you will find ways to get to know your own body again and how it speaks and what it needs. you will discover your own voice and learn how to use it. you will discover that there can be peace and clarity existing all at once when the thoughts and sensations that were bombarding you in the past are allowed to settle. you will discover that you can come to forgive and love all the parts of you. and when you finally find that place within you where you finally feel at peace, you will know that you have found your home.

you will have arrived home to the only place that you have with you always. your sacred vessel. your own luminous and sacred self. your body, your soul. your voice.

marisela rosales

Marisela is a first gen xicana, holistic therapist and coach, healer, reiki master, writer, and storyteller. she shares her heart-centered thoughts and stories in hopes to inspire reflection, connection, and healing in others.


dancing with self-doubt


holding all we grieve